The CITAC team actively conducts and publishes research on Canadian clinician-investigator trainees and training pathways.
Please see below for a list of recent CITAC publications:
Mirali, S., Fan, K., Cook, E. K. & Marvasti, T. B. Piloting a long distance clinician scientist trainee mentorship match in Canada. Clinical and Investigative Medicine 43, E5–E8 (2020).
Pietrobon, A., Cook, E. K., Yin, C., Chan, D. C. H. & Marvasti, T. B. International training considerations of Canadian Clinician-Scientist Trainees - A national survey. Clinical and Investigative Medicine 43, E2-7 (2020).
Ng, E. et al. The Integration of Clinical and Research Training: How and Why MD–PhD Programs Work. Academic Medicine 94, 664–670 (2019).
Skinnider, M.A., Squair, J.W., Twa, D.D.W., Ji, J.X., Kuzyk, A., Wang, X., Steadman, P.E., Zaslavsky, K., Dey, A.K., Eisenberg, M.J., Gagné, E.R., HayGlass, K.T., Lewis, J.F., Margetts, P.J., Underhill, D.A., Rosenblum, N.D., Raymond, L.A. “Characteristics and outcomes of Canadian MD/PhD program graduates: a cross-sectional survey.” CMAJ Open, 5, E308–E314 (2017).
Yin, C. et al. Training the next generation of Canadian Clinician-Scientists: charting a path to success. Clinical and Investigative Medicine E95–E101 (2017).
Jones, A. A. et al. MD/PhD Training in Canada: Results from a national trainee and program director review. 1 E132–E139 (2016).
Yoon, J.-Y. et al. It begins with the right supervisor: Importance of mentorship and clinician-investigator trainee satisfaction levels in Canada. 1 E269–E276 (2013).
The Clinician Investigator Trainee Association of Canada (CITAC) represents the interests of trainees registered in Canadian clinician investigator and clinician scientist training programs across Canada.